Rail Boot
Over 1 Million Miles of Rail Boot Installed
Iron Horse Engineering Co. developed rail boot in 1987 to provide an electrical isolation barrier between the steel rail and surrounding roadway for embedded track. This resilient barrier absorbs rail vibration, minimizing the cracking of the surrounding pavement.
The Iron Horse rail boot has been installed on most every modern light rail and streetcar system in the United States as well as in many industrial, freight and maintenance facility track applications.
Iron Horse Engineering is proud to be the inventors and leading manufacturer of Ironhorse Railboot for embedded track with over 1 million miles installed including light rail, streetcar, grade crossings, maintenance facilities, industrial and freight track. For over 29 years, Iron Horse rail boot has been installed in various track environments with no failures and very low maintenance.
At Iron Horse Engineering we hold our quality standards to the highest level of customer satisfaction in both our production of embedded track materials and our decades of rail products expertise. Continual innovations keep us ahead in the industry and continue to set us apart.
Rail Sizes:
115 Restraining Rail
100 ARA & ARAB
Girder Rail- Ri51/52/53 & Ri59/60
62Ri (NP4aMOD)
112 Block Rail
Custom Sizes
Snap on Flangeway Former
Zip Ties
Joining Cuff
Cuff Tape
Butyl Sealant
Flangeway Clips
Flangeway Connector Rods
Rail Head Tape (9" or 12")
Control of stray current
Reduction of noise and vibration
Profiles for any rail section
Quick, foolproof installation
Improved life of track & surrounding pavement