ISO-Flex Rail Grout
Lowest Unit Cost in the Industry for Type 1 and Type 2 Elastomeric Rail Grout
ISO-FLEX is an American-made Elastomeric Rail Grout polyurethane elastomer, providing vibration dampening and electrical isolation while holding the rail secure. ISO-Flex cures to a hardness and durometer specific to supporting the rail loads with minimal deflection, while absorbing movement and vibration without cracking or separation from the substrate surfaces.
Our successful compound adheres to both concrete and steel rail ensuring the best solution for your specialty Embedded Track Installation. ISO-Flex rail grout is compatible with Railboot and maintains the desired track modulus properties, while ensuring proper electrical isolation.
Grouting Applications
Embedded Track Applications
Designed to fill areas between the rail and surrounding surface
Electrical isolation and Rail vibration dampening.
Fill weld pockets or voids
Fix spalls in concrete and voids
Rail Bonding areas
Rail maintenance and repair of Embedded Track
Special Track Support of plates, frogs and rail.
Isolation and support of switch housings and appurtenances.
Benefits of ISO-Flex Rail Grout
Self Priming
Self Leveling and Non-Shrink
Support Grouting
Easily mixed and poured
Grey or Black Standard Colors
Excellent Adhesion Strength
Permanent solution
Elastic Properties